I am sure I’ll be hitting it up again next year especially if I have a baby girl and need to stock up on some inexpensive cute, sweet girly stuff.

It’s super special because I gave that to Lacey almost 4 years ago when she was pregnant with Will and was due in January! Now it’s my turn to bust it out! Love it…and thanks Lac!
We’ve had a guest speaker at our church for a fall “revival” and he has been so challenging and encouraging, it’s been a great refreshing series! Last night he touched on something that has truly been resonating with me… it was so simple, and something we may have all heard before, and I feel like I am still trying to figure it all out…and it’s the basic principle of not “owning” things in our life – but “managing” them instead. When we are “owners” we tend to not be open to teaching or correction, thinking we have it all figured out. But when we are “managers” we are more open to correction, open to learn new things, more willing to admit mistakes etc….and one of the areas he challenged us on was with our kids…and how we don’t own them, but we are entrusted by the Lord to “manage” them. He also used example of our finances, our marriage, our athletic ability, really anything that is important in our lives. I am just truly tying to internalize all this and make it real in different areas of my life, but especially with my kid (soon to be kids!) This area is something I want to hang on tightly to, have full control over, yet I realize that doing that isn’t good for my kids, but also isn’t fully entrusting God to them. It’s just hard when you care and love something so much, and you want to protect them from anything that could harm or tear them down, or corrupt them. But alas, our Savior is capable, and I need to have faith and remember that! He has also entrusted my kids to me while they are here on this Earth, but ultimately they are HIS. Ahh, such a tough truth to understand and REALLY live by. It makes me teary as we daily must let them go.
Lord, help me learn how to do this the right way…to balance it all out correctly in my mind and heart, and learn more about what this means in my life. I trust that you are fully capable of helping me properly raise my kids with you alone as The Center. May Josh and I seek you alone for wisdom in how to do it all b/c alone we are clueless and need you so! May we be so authentic in our example of following you as our kids watch our every move as we raise them.