The boys have been just giving Josh and I such joy lately....they are interacting more, act just acting like brothers & just flat out making us laugh. out. loud!!!!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this pic Josh captured this week...
The other day i walked into Bennett's room as he was waking up from a nap...and Jackson beat me to him, as you can see. He just hopped into his crib and they were giggling away. ahhhh!!!
Bennett truly is walking everywhere, and just thinks he is a big kid as he wants to watch Jackson do everything! We have found him climbing on top of the step stool in the bathroom, and even climbing and STANDING on top of this lil table jackson has...the kid is fearless. Of course, he has already gotten some battle wounds...i feel like he always has a red mark, a bruise or a scab from falling somehow!! You can barely see it, but he was just finally healing from a huge red scab on his nose from tripping over his own feet and skidding his lil nose down a basket of toys...
Swinging in the backyard...At the Sonic playground...doing what he does best: eating!!! :)
With Aunt Kiki...
We went to Christmas on 5th Street at Baylor this week...what a truly awesome and fun thing to do as a family! We again, felt so blessed to live in Waco and get to enjoy the fun festivities that Baylor hosts around here.
Here are the boys as we waited in line to see Santa....gosh, Jackson is looking SO BIG!!! ahhh!
The "classic" Santa pic...Bennett was mesmerized by Santa's beard i think...
Jackson and his buddy Brodie McKenzie...
And Josh, who is my 3rd big boy kid at heart, with his perfectly iced cookie he created. :)
The other buzz going on in the Crosby household is that Owen, the elf on the shelf, has once again made his appearance.Jackson is SO into it this year, it's too funny! Owen also somehow has been making it to Grammie's house for a few early christmas prizees, and he is so perplexed as to HOW Owen could have gotten there and back to our house in the morning.
It's beginning to feel like Christmas...yay!
More soon,
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Ahhh, these 2 boys of mine.
My first Half Marathon!
Ahh!! yes yes, i realize i haven't updated since the 1/2'thon....but ahhh, it was SO FUN and so cool to be a part of! San Antonio is truly such a cool city...and we found this awesome dive sports bar the night before to watch the Baylor vs. A&M game...which sadly, Baylor lost. :(
Kari and i shared some great laughs that was just a random little place with only 3 things on their food menu...sooo strange!! i mean, what?????!!!!
We were cracking up the whole time. :) here is kari with our nachos...that surprisingly, weren't that bad.
We also ordered a pizza, and came to found out it was a frozen DiGiorno's they cooked in the back....ahhhh! But, we got to watch the BU game on tv...and to dad especially, that is all that mattered!!
But back to the run...thankfully, yes, i finished the 13.1 miles, just at 3 hours i think, but what a cool experience and one i definitely want to do again!!!
Here are Kari and I...up bright and early...downing some carb infused drink and power bars my dad insisted we eat...oh, and some sport beans. ha!
Here is all of us before the race...Ben, Dad, Kari & I...
and a super cool avid runner in front of us as we waited to start. uhhh loved the shorts dude...and he was weating a trash bag as a lil jacket thingee :) ...
me after the race - best feeling ever!
I have a feeling this won't be my last run... people have warned me that it gets addicting. :)
More very soon...
Thanksgiving in the Big Easy
Thanksgiving was truly special this year!
It started with Jackson's sweet Thankgiving play and feast at school... in which, he was a pilgrim, no wait, an indian. Oh, i don't know what he was!!!
And here is Bennett's beautiful turkey that he "made" at Mother's day out. hee hee.
We went to New Orleans for thanksgiving to be with Josh's family - what a fun trip to finally meet my stinky sweet nephew Brady for the first, he is a honey. The trip there was super long, and started with some major dvd player drama, which involved 3 trips to target in 1 hour....yes, madness. :) but once the movie "Bolt" was up and running, so were we.
Here are some action shots of all of us on the way to New Orleans...uhh, was SOOO ready to just get there!!! Can ya tell??and....the maxed out mama
Here is Jackson meeting his cousin Brady for the first time: too sweet!
And here are a few other randoms from our time there:
Josh with his stud sisters....Rachel & Rebekah..(and there are lots more fun family pics, but you'll have to wait to see more on our Christmas cards this year!) Everyone in that city was wearing Saints colors...the Saints played the Cowboys that day, so everyone was ready to cheer them on.Rachel taste testing the mashed potatoes...
Me and my baby who is growing so fast...
Letting the food coma settle in after our delicious meal...
My sweet nephew and his beautiful mama...
My sweet nieces...who may be the only girls i'll ever have!!! (Unless Kari pops one out down the road of course...) hee hee!
and Alaina
Then, there are my two sis in laws, who i am SOOOOOOOOO stinkin thankful for...and was reminded this thanksgiving again, how special they are to me, and how instant and natural our connection was. They are truly MY sisters, and i am so blessed to be a part of Josh's family.
And finally, cousins Brady and Bennett in their "Baby's 1st Thanksgiving" outfits...
Look at Bennett - uhhh, he is scaring Brady bc he's so huge - ha ha ha!
I am stealing this next part from my sister in law's blog bc it was priceless. We had Rebekah and Mike's wii at the house, and the kids seriously played it non-stop.
Here is a converstaion that Rebekah eavesdropped in on:
Jackson (5 yrs. old) -- "Isn't Yoshi cool (Super Mario Bros)? He's my favorite."
Hope (7 yrs.) -- "yeah, he's pretty cool."
Jackson -- "I mean, he's really cool. Look at how fast he goes!"
Hope -- "Yeah."
Jackson -- "He's the best of all of them, don't you think?"
Hope -- "Well, that's your opinion."
Jackson -- "OPiNon?" (oh-pin-YON)
Hope -- "OPINION!"
Jackson -- "OPiNON?" (oh-pin-YON)
Hope -- "OPINION!!!!"
Jackson -- OpINoN? (still mispronouncing it)
Hope -- "Forget it! You don't know that word, do you? It means it's what you think!"
Jackson -- "Oh.."
Ahhhh! Such fun and sweet memories.
Thanks be to God for health, family and His Amazing Grace in our lives....what more do we need???
More soon,